How to Get Into Deep Meditation 

how to get into deep meditation

To get the full benefits of meditation, one has to enter into a deep meditative state. Oftentimes, however, our experience is sitting in a room and feeling the discomfort of the practice rather than all the benefits of meditation many people claim to receive. 

At a Cognitive Connection, our mission is simple: to serve the brain-related and behavioral needs of the individuals within our community with respect and love. One of the many ways we advise clients is to adopt a daily practice of meditation.

In this blog post, we are going to explain the what, how, and why behind deep meditation.

Five Tips to Get into a Deep Meditative State

First it’s important to understand that meditation is the art of doing nothing, wanting nothing, and becoming nothing. An effort to get into a deep state of being is counterproductive to the end goal. Sounds impossible, right? There are things you can do to guide your meditation practice however. 

Create a Supportive Environment

To get into the zone, it’s helpful to create a peaceful environment where you won’t be disturbed. This could be in a particular room in your home or it could be a certain time when no one is around. 

Another thing to consider is your seating. Many use a cushion while others opt for a chair. Just be sure you are sitting comfortable in an upright position with your attention fixated on a single area in the room. 

One last thing you can do to create a peaceful environment is to use soft lighting, gentle music, and aromas to help get you in the right headspace.

Focus on Your Breath

Breath awareness is one of the most important aspects of getting into deep meditation. By focusing on your breath, you can start to bring awareness to the physical sensations of your body. Feel the sensation of air entering and leaving your nostrils or the rise and fall of your chest or abdomen. 

Some meditators find it helpful to use different breathing techniques, switching between deep and slow breathing to aid in relaxation and concentration. This will bring awareness to the present moment.

Use Meditation Techniques

Mantras are an excellent way for you to get into a meditative state. Repeating a word, phrase, or sound can help to anchor your focus.There are a number mantras available online, or you can use your own mantra for the day to help.

For some individuals, visualizations can be a powerful tool in meditation, helping to deepen the experience by focusing on a mental image or concept. Alongside this, the practice of mindfulness, concentrating on the present moment and accepting and observing thoughts and feelings without judgment, serves as another essential technique.

Maintain Consistent Practice

Establishing a routine by having a regular schedule can reinforce your practice and make it easier to enter a meditative state. Along with consistency, starting with shorter sessions and gradually increasing the length as you become more comfortable allows for a more accessible and personalized experience.

Practice Non-Responsiveness

Practicing non-responsiveness, or non-reactivity, involves cultivating a calm and balanced mind that observes thoughts, feelings, and sensations without getting caught up in them. 

Begin by simply observing these states without judgment, recognizing them as transient and not defining you. Through mindfulness practice, including techniques like focused breathing and body scanning, you can develop the ability to be present without reacting.

How Long Does it Take to Get Deep Meditation?

Beginners may take weeks or months of regular practice to consistently reach deeper states, while regular practitioners might achieve this within a session, ranging from a few minutes to 20 minutes or more while experienced  meditators with years of experience might be able to enter deep states even quicker.

Other factors include stress levels, physical health, emotional state, and environmental factors. It’s essential to approach meditation with patience and openness, focusing less on a specific state and more on the process and experience itself.

A Cognitive Connection: Cognitive and Behavioral Therapy

Here at A Cognitive Connection, we recognize the power of the mind in shaping healthier lives, and our comprehensive approach integrates cognitive and behavioral therapies to help individuals gain more control. Meditation, a practice that fosters mindfulness and non-reactivity, is just one tool in our extensive toolbox designed to promote well-being.

We offer behavioral assessments, counseling, and cognitive brain training services, all tailored to support your unique journey towards a healthier life. Our dedicated team is here to guide and support you every step of the way. If you are interested in exploring how these practices can benefit you, be sure to book a free consultation with one of our representatives. 

We look forward to connecting with you and helping you lead a more balanced and fulfilling life!

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