3 Tips To Accelerate Your Productivity

We’ve all been there — counting down the minutes until our work day ends or staring at our desk, feeling so overwhelmed and having no desire to get work done. Productivity problems can be a challenge to work through.

Luckily, you can try these actionable tips to get more done in the workplace.

Here are three tips to shift from being busy and achieve excellence daily to accelerate your productivity.

How to Become More Productive and Motivated

The first step in becoming more productive is understanding your to-do list. Once you have a solid understanding of what you need to do, you can decide how you can realistically accomplish it.

Let’s take a look at how to organize your day for more productive habits.

1. 3D’s – Do It, Delegate It, Dump It

You want to categorize your to-do list into DO, DELEGATE, and DUMP. Doing so will help you prioritize tasks, focus on what you can do, and delegate or dump the rest. 

Also, make the following considerations:

  • Decide what is a priority and what you can do. 
  • Take your to-do list and label it.
  • Pass on or dump what you can’t do.
A picture of a graphic that reads: 1. do it; 2. delegate it; 3. dump it

2. Focus On The Big 3

The next thing you should do to accelerate your productivity is to look at your to-do list and choose the three biggest things you MUST get done. Here are some more tips:

  • Label the top three tasks for that day.
  • Leave the little things for the afternoon when you’re tired.
  • Looking for a book recommendation on prioritization? Check out The One Thing by Gary Keller!

3. Entrepreneurial ADD for Productivity

Trying to work straight without stopping can lead to burnout. Don’t forget to take breaks! For example, you want to time chunk and quit multitasking.

You should set aside 20-90 minutes to complete a task, depending on how long it will take you. Here are some other ideas to keep you productive:

You must refrain from multitasking; every 11 minutes, we are interrupted by someone or something. A solution is time chunking:

  • Put aside 20-30 minutes to focus on the task at hand.
  • Set a timer and make a time block of no more than 90 minutes to concentrate and get it done.

Examples of Productivity in the Workplace

BetterUp blog provides a great explanation of what it means and looks like to be productive in the workplace. It is getting the most out of what you are putting in.

So, what that looks like in the office is revenues increasing, more tasks being done throughout the week, costs decreasing, and sales increasing. It is very important to achieve productivity, as it benefits everyone in the company. 

How to Increase Efficiency and Productivity in the Workplace

For a lot of us, we find it hard to focus in the workplace. Constant interruptions, boring meetings, and unmotivating work can mean productivity issues can arise. In turn, it can be hard to focus on work and actually get things done.

Follow these tips to increase your efficiency and productivity in the workplace:

  • Focus on one task at a time
  • Take regular breaks
  • Focus on big tasks when you have energy
  • Time block your schedule
  • Don’t be afraid to say “no” to new tasks

Boost Your Productivity With A Cognitive Connection

Productivity issues can make it near impossible to get stuff done during your workday. If you’re feeling stuck or unmotivated, try these three simple tips to accelerate your productivity. If you’re looking for professional support, reach out to A Cognitive Connection for cognitive brain training and behavior counseling. We can help you understand the why behind your productivity challenges. Schedule a free consultation today!

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