What Is Mild Cognitive Impairment?

The graphic shows an image of seniors with mild cognitive impairment looking at a drawing of a brain that a doctor is pointing to.

Mild cognitive impairment is a brain disorder where someone’s cognitive decline is more significant than it should be for their age and education level. However, it does not interfere with the person’s ability to complete daily tasks. Individuals with MCI have over a 50 percent chance of developing dementia within five years. In addition, there’s […]

Signs Of Memory Loss

The graphic shows a man with memory loss sitting at a table with a frustrated look on his face.

Memory loss can be challenging to pinpoint because it usually happens gradually. So, if you’re around someone all of the time, you can easily miss some early signs of memory loss. On the other hand, if someone sees someone every few months, it can be easier to notice the beginning stages of memory loss. For […]

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